PEOPLES' is a platform located at the Centre for Social Studies (CES) of the University of Coimbra, consisting of a Scientific Coordination, the Website "Management Team" and the North/South Library with a collection essential to the Observatory work.
Regarding the Scientific Coordination, its function is mainly concentrated on analysing the problems, opportunities, and strategic issues for the development of the Observatory's content and new dialogue instruments. PEOPLES' aims to extend this increasing team to external partners/collaborators.
Content Organization:
Giovanni Allegretti (Coordenator)
Maria Margareth Rossal (Vice-coordenator)
Sofia Antunes
Leonardo Veronez
Marcelo Valadares
Juliana Luiz
Daniel Alves da Silva
Sheila Holz
Alfredo Ramos
Web Portal Operation/Webmaster:
Alberto Pereira
André Pena